Learn how to deal with an emergency situation involving your canine friend

The content of this one day course far exceeds other more basic courses out there yet it is taught in a fun way that makes learning easy.
Included with this course are a Comprehensive First Aid Kit and a Printed Manual
It is the only Canine First Responder Course with a globally recognised 2 year certificate.
It provides realistic CPR practice on a canine manikin.
During this course you will learn Primary and Secondary First Aid skills
Our Instructors are trainers and professionals in the Canine World
Our Canine First Responder Course Curriculum is the Only Course Approved by Emergency First Response, the Fastest Growing Certification Agency Worldwide for First Aid and CPR training.
Included with this course are a Comprehensive First Aid Kit and a Printed Manual
It is the only Canine First Responder Course with a globally recognised 2 year certificate.
It provides realistic CPR practice on a canine manikin.
During this course you will learn Primary and Secondary First Aid skills
Our Instructors are trainers and professionals in the Canine World
Our Canine First Responder Course Curriculum is the Only Course Approved by Emergency First Response, the Fastest Growing Certification Agency Worldwide for First Aid and CPR training.